It’s Reality: Introduction

It’s real. Whether we like it or not, mental illness is the real deal, a sickness, just like having tonsillitis or a broken bone. Just because the signs may not be as obvious, it still needs to be taken seriously. I’m all about stopping the stigma of mental illness, letting those who struggle with it know that they are not alone, and helping people who don’t understand to be able to have more empathy and understanding for their loved ones who struggle with things like anxiety and depression.

All over the internet now there are posts and pages and many people using #stopthestigma. I’m all for that! I think it’s great! But, it still needs to be spread further. Every day there are people all over the world who die by suicide. It’s heartbreaking. And it’s because they have no hope… they feel alone… no one understands so they don’t talk, and many other reasons. It doesn’t have to be this way, and this is what I will be addressing in Part I of these posts.

It can be so isolating to struggle with a mental illness, and you can feel like there is no one in the world who understands. But that isn’t true. You are not alone. This is what we will be talking about in Part II of these posts.

When you have a loved one who struggles with things like anxiety and depression, it can be so hard to understand what is going on and to know how to help them. They need your support so desperately, but more often than not, they won’t speak out. They won’t ask for help. It will be hidden. But they can’t hide it forever, and they need you. This will be Part III of these posts.

To write about these different things, I am not only using my own experiences, but I also need to hear your stories. Do you suffer from anxiety? Depression? Bipolar? Panic attacks? Do you feel as though you aren’t understood? If there were something you would want your loved ones to know about how you feel, what would it be? What is the best thing someone could do to help and support you when you are struggling?
I would LOVE your feedback here and I hope to hear from some of you in the next few days, as I will follow up with the three parts of this over the coming two weeks. My inbox is always open, email, or contact me via the Blog or Simply Life facebook page. Don’t stay silent… it’s time to speak out. Your voice matters. You matter. <3

Julie xo

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