An Open Letter to My Hurting Friend:

An Open Letter to My Hurting Friend:

Dearest Friend, It’s been a while since we spoke, but I have seen the change in you. I wish I could say it’s a good sort of change. But it isn’t. Darkness has so clearly taken a hold of you, and the change in your face, your expression, your eyes… oh my friend. I see you … Read More

Why You Won’t Find it Written in My Story that I Gave Up:

Why You Won’t Find it Written in My Story that I Gave Up:

A phrase that often goes through my head is “some days are better than others”, and I have often used this in my posts and stories, simply because it is so true. Some days are great! Other days are average. And some days, we feel like we are in a living hell.
We might be too tired to fight it; things seem too difficult to keep pressing on. But even if some days the only thing I do is survive, I will not give up. If I wrote out my entire life story, not once would you read that I gave up, and this is why:

An Open Letter to My Friend Who Doesn’t Understand Depression:

An Open Letter to My Friend Who Doesn’t Understand Depression:

Dearest Friend,

Some days really are better than others. For me at the moment, there are a lot of days that are better than the ones in the present. And there are some things you need to know.

I understand that you are one of many people who go through life having no idea what it is to feel depressed or to experience anxiety. And that’s okay too. But for those of us who do, it can be incredibly difficult to explain what’s going on in our minds, but it’s also difficult for you to understand us.
Yes, it’s okay to not feel okay. I mean, hey. It’s not alright that people have to go through this, that fact is just awful. But this is to you, my friend, who doesn’t know what it’s like, and I ask you to take a moment to read just four things that we struggling people really want to tell you…

When the Darkness Returns

When the Darkness Returns

One day, everything is perfect. And then the next? The darkness is back, and it’s threatening to take over. Again. The sky is a beautiful rich blue, velvety and bright, but then in the distance, clouds begin to appear. They are just beginning to scatter across the horizon, puffy and white, and to start with, … Read More