3 Extremely Valuable Lessons I have Learnt from Life

3 Extremely Valuable Lessons I have Learnt from Life

Life can get pretty intense. Things get busy, we get overwhelmed, and we struggle and feel like we fail at times. But lately, I have been doing a lot of learning. Learning things about other people and about myself; important things that I could not have learnt if I did not go through some very difficult times.
I have been encouraged and inspired to become a better person through all of this, and I hope that by sharing these things, someone else might be encouraged too. Here are three of the latest things I have learnt, which I consider to be extremely valuable life lessons:

The Truth about Self Care

The Truth about Self Care

So many people talk about “self care” these days, especially when one is suffering from a mental illness, as well as things like stress and fatigue. But there’s something that many people don’t realise: Self care might not be what you think it is.

The question I am going to ask is, how do you view self care? Is it purely taking time out to be alone, to take a breath and relax? Treating yourself to coffee on the way to or from work? A long bubble bath at the end of a big day? A massage? An extra piece of cake – because you deserve it?

I have a simple answer for you. No. That is not self care. That is what I call “self love”. Self love is not a bad thing at all; it is in fact important, as long as it is not over-indulged. (But that’s for another post, on another day.)
Let’s talk more now about what “self care” really is…

5 Lies Many People Believe about Prayer

5 Lies Many People Believe about Prayer

There are so many misconceptions regarding prayer, by both Christians and non-Christians. We have so many different ideas, and these can lead to a lot of confusion and lack of growth in our prayer life. Growing up in the Christian circles, it almost feels as though we are “expected to know” many things about prayer … Read More