Here’s the Thing:

Here’s the Thing:

Okay, so here’s the thing, the biggest ‘confession post’ yet: I have the truth, and you need to know it.
The main reason I haven’t done any posts lately is honestly that I have had so many things to say, and I have not known how to begin. There are so many things that I want to tell you… not only things I want to tell you but things that you really need to know. It might take me a while to get them all out to you, but we have to start somewhere, and where better to start than with the basic truth?

‘You Were on His Mind’

A poem, by Julie Priebbenow. You were on His mind before the world began;In the darkness and space, you were part of His plan.As He created the world and all things good,And when He punished the evil with a world-wide flood. You were on His mind through many generations;Noah’s, Abraham’s, and every other nation.The world … Read More

Thinking, overthinking, and anxiety…

Thinking, overthinking, and anxiety…

Why life has been so crazy (and why you haven’t heard from me for a while), followed by the drama of my overthinking and anxiety (and why we really don’t need to overthink and stress).

#stress #anxiety #thinking #overthinking #sickness #recovery #confessionsofasimplemum #simplylife #blogger

How Much Does He Love Me?

How Much Does He Love Me?

My dear friends, I’ve been a little quiet for a while, I do apologise for that. Life has been pretty crazy for me, for all of us in my household in fact. Josh has been busy with his work, working long days and long hours. Henry has been growing fast, and is busier than ever, … Read More