How to cope when you physically can’t:

Sometimes, it’s a nightmare. You are living a true, hellish nightmare. You’ve reached the bottom of rock bottom. You’re tired. Not only physically, but mentally. Emotionally. Completely and utterly exhausted. But it’s not the end.

You don’t think you can cope anymore. You’re falling apart. But take a moment. Just one moment. Deep breath in…. and out. In. Out. Feel your heartbeat. Guess what? You just made it through that moment. You are already that little bit closer to your recovery.

Every time you think you can’t keep going, take that one moment, and make it through. Make the moment as long as you like… ten seconds, a minute, five minutes. You’ve got this! Look at what you’ve been through – you’ve been dragged through so much, and you’ve made it this far! I am so proud of you! Healing takes time. And you are already on your way there. If you’ve made it this far, you can make it through the next moment. Just breathe. You’ve got this.

Take each day little by little, step by step. Make it through an hour. Make it through the morning. Lunch time. The afternoon. Smoko break. The evening. Dinner time. The night. You’ve got this! Break it up as much as you need to, and take it moment by moment. And you will make it.

Never, ever give up. You are stronger than you think.

Julie xo

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