An Open Letter to My 10 Year Old Self:

Photo credit: Debby Hudson via Unsplash

Dear younger me,

I imagine you won’t even recognise me at the moment. Life has changed so, so much, and I have too. Becoming an adult, marriage, parenthood, and just life things have changed me in to such a different person, and I have a few things I want to tell you.

You’re 10 now. Life is changing, you’re moving from your home town, so I imagine in all of this you might feel like the next couple of years will be hard… but don’t let it worry you. Remember how you always felt that peace when you’d pray to God? Instant peace that He was in control? Don’t let go of that. Always remember that God is carrying you through everything, and you’re with your family and they love you SO much – you can always count on them too.

High school isn’t so far away for you, now. Even though you are home schooled, these are the years of your life that you will really begin to learn about fake friends vs. real friends. Don’t take the fake ones to heart, love. You are as real as life itself, and I know how much love and effort you pour into every friendship. The best thing you will learn to do is to forgive and move on; don’t let the hurt linger and turn into bitterness. 
The harsh words said to you were in their anger, in their own resentment. You don’t need to hold on to it. Because you really are precious, even if you don’t feel that you are.

Don’t waste your valuable time feeling that others are better than you, either. Because nobody can be a truer you than you are! Just be the best you that you can be.
Also, remember your parents. You know how your dad has that way of knowing if friends are going to stick or not? 9/10 times, he’s right (even though I still don’t want to admit it sometimes!). Your parents have good sense, and they LOVE you so much. They only ever have your best interests at heart; you’re a treasure to them, and you matter! I know it can be hard to be open with them sometimes when you have things on your mind, but just always know that you can. And later in life, you’ll be thankful that you did.

Try not to take the older people in your life for granted. They love you. I know you always notice they way Hilton’s face brightens up when you get to see him. The elderly widows and couples at church. Hold on to these old friends, they aren’t around for long, and they love you. And they can teach you so much about life.

Make the most of the time with your family, too. Before long, you’ll all be moved your separate ways; life has a tendency to do that. The family holidays won’t happen one day, there could only be four entire family get-together’s in a year. So remember, cherish those relationships.

Photo credit: Matheus Ferrero via Unsplash

And while you’re at it… don’t be in too much of a hurry to grow up. Enjoy the rest of your childhood and the teen years you have ahead of you! Be silly with your friends and do the fun things, and be with the people who make you truly smile! 🙂
Life can get pretty crazy but as long as you hold on to Jesus and to those around you who are true, you will be okay 🙂
Don’t forget to find the joy in the little things. Find a reason to be happy, and hold on to it. In any dark days that are ahead, remember that this too shall pass; these things are sent to try you, and will help you grow into the beautiful young woman that God intends for you to be. None of these hard things are forever, my dear, so just keep trusting the Lord, and never lose hope. 

Whatever happens, don’t forget who you are: a precious daughter of the King. So chin up Princess, straighten that crown, and remember Whose you are.

Much love,

Your older (and hopefully slightly wiser) self. xx 

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