My Theme for 2018: POSITIVITY

As it is the start of a New Year, I have thought long and hard about things I would like to achieve through the year, and things I need to focus on. I’m so tired of the negativity of life! It’s time to focus on the positive things instead!
If I want to make a difference in my life, I need to search for the good. But not only search – I need to FIND IT!! The Bible tells us to “seek and ye shall find”, and I believe that! If we look hard enough, even on the bad days, we can still find the GOODNESS in every day! My biggest goal is to lose the negativity weighing me down… who else wants to join me?? It’s not always going to be easy, but I know I can do it if I am determined enough. After all, all things are possible with God! Are you going to change your thoughts and actions to be able to see the positive things in life?

Have a bright and beautiful Thursday everyone!

Julie xo

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